
Emefa Butler
Analytical Visionary
I am Emefa Butler, an analytical visionary who shares the heart, passion and pursuit to make a difference in our community. Though I relocated to Birmingham after graduating from Robert C Hatch High School, my heart remained in Uniontown. Like many of you, I am proud to call Uniontown home and have been honored to be a part of the positivity that has taken since my return in 2018. Many of you have engaged me in the community while taking part in educational and civic causes. You may know me as the Founder of CHOICE (Choosing to Help Others In our Community Excel). Some of you may have encountered me in classes during my studies through elementary, middle and high school in Uniontown. Maybe, you’ve seen me at City Hall while serving as the Assistant to Mayor Jamaal Hunter. Perhaps, you know my mother, Olivia(Sally) Butler or one of my sisters QuShaylon (Munchie), Shantale (Bam) and Pamela (Pig). But what is common is that you know me. Today, my accomplishments include but is not limited to becoming an experienced operation professional in the financial industry, starting a administrative and marketing consulting firm, founding a nonprofit organization, serving as a performing as a motivational speaker and serving as mentor. My reputation is one of ambition, innovation and courage. I am humbled by knowing that none of these successes would have been possible without faith and the support of my friends, family and community.
Uniontown, Alabama |